Episode 1

Published on:

14th Jun 2020

Shelf Absorbed 1: Race

This episode focuses on James Baldwin's 1974 novel If Beale Street Could Talk and the 2018 film adaptation by Barry Jenkins.

We also touch upon the following books: Rainbow Milk (2020) by Paul Mendez, Everything Counts (from the collection No Sweetness Here 1969) by Ama Ata Aidoo.

And these films: Good Hair (dir. Jeff Stilson 2009), 13th (dir. Ava DuVernay 2016).

We also recommend Giovanni's Room (1956) and Another Country (1962) by James Baldwin, the amazing new biography James Baldwin: Living In Fire by Bill V. Mullen and the documentary film I Am Not Your Negro (dir. Raoul Peck 2016) based on Baldwin's unfinished project Remember This House.

We'd also love to hear any suggestions you might have.

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About the Podcast

Shelf Absorbed
New Fiji friends Ben Wheeler and Sarah Gwonyoma discuss the books and films on their shelves.
A little loose in terms of content and style as we learn the ropes, this show sets out once a month a to discuss a selected subject through the books and films we have read and seen that explore it.

It is not meant to be comprehensive account of the subject, rather our own perspective, informed by the stories we have consumed.

We hope you like it and want to join the discussion on any of the social media platforms on which we post.